WERELDONTVANGER: internetradio van de week
Alleen de mooiste muziek stroomt uit je speakers
2021 |
2-9 jan. | Goth-Scene Relatic Music | |
GothVille Radio (Herk-de-Stad) | http://radio.gothville.com:8000/stream | www |
9-16 jan. | Paradise | |
Paradise FM (Curaçao) | https://audio-edge-es6pf.mia.g.radiomast.io/0068d53d-f6a4-41d3-9e9a-6a2b67387d9f | www |
16-23 jan. | Mixes and dj's | |
STAR FM | http://mvserver.be:3191/; | www |
23-30 jan. | Only The Hottest Jam (Urban, RnB, Hiphop) | |
Ice FM (Reykjavik) | | twit |
30 jan. - 6 feb. | Nur die grössten Songs | |
Nostalgie Blues | http://nrj.de/nostalgieblues https://nrj.de/nostalgieblues https://scdn.nrjaudio.fm/de/57484/mp3_128.mp3?cdn_path=adswizz_lbs7&adws_out_b3 |
www fb |
6-13 feb. | Verfris je dag! | |
Arta Radio | https://server-24.stream-server.nl:18420/listen.mp3 | www |
13-20 feb. | Station Satellite | |
SIS Radio (Bruxelles) | https://n03a-eu.rcs.revma.com/95m12ehhbm0uv https://n13a-eu.rcs.revma.com/95m12ehhbm0uv |
www fb |
20-27 feb. | Je oren kijken mee | |
Soundtrack FM | https://mediaserv38.live-streams.nl:18033/stream | |
27 feb. - 6 mrt. | Kom er gezellig bij en luister mee | |
RadioGeniaal (Wehl) | https://www.radiogeniaal.nl/playlist.asx | www |
6-13 mrt. | Het geluid van je stad! Your Ultimate Dance Station | |
Radio Hanzestad / Hanzestad FM (Zwolle e.o.) | https://124-133-166-62.ftth.glasoperator.nl/livestream (Mobiele AAC) https://124-133-166-62.ftth.glasoperator.nl/livestream2 (192 MP3) http://124-133-166-62.ftth.glasoperator.nl:8000/sid=3 (Shoutcast 128 MP3) |
www |
13-20 mrt. | The Sound of the City | |
FunX | https://icecast.omroep.nl/funx-bb-mp3 https://icecast.omroep.nl/funx-sb-aac https://icecast.omroep.nl/funx-sb-mp3 |
www |
20-27 mrt. | Het gezelligste radiostation van Nederland | |
Het Stamcafé (Hoofddorp) | https://stream.hetstamcafe.nl/hetstamcafe.mp3 | www |
24-28 mrt. | The Mi Amigo Revival 2021 Event | |
Mi Amigo | http://s20.myradiostream.com:12530/; http://s20.myradiostream.com:12530/ |
www |
27 mrt. - 3 apr. | Country Music Only | |
Rivierstad (RATO Omroep Stichting, Geffen) | (AAC+) |
www |
3-10 apr. | New Music, indie, alt- and classic-rock, with a sprinking of credible mainstream hits | |
2XS Rocks (Sheffield, Hilversum, Moskou) | https://solid67.streamupsolutions.com/proxy/vvtwcggj?mp=/2XS http://solid67.streamupsolutions.com:15548/2XS |
www www |
10-17 apr. | Non-Stop Hits 50s-80s: De webradio fir retro fans | |
RTL Gold (Luxemburg) | https://shoutcast.rtl.lu/rtlgold https://live-edge.rtl.lu/radio/rtlgold/aac_64k.m3u8 https://live-edge.rtl.lu/radio/rtlgold/aac_128k.m3u8 https://live-edge.rtl.lu/radio/rtlgold/aac_256k.m3u8 https://live-edge.rtl.lu/radio/rtlgold/playlist.m3u8 |
www |
17-24 apr. | Serving You The Hardest Core | |
HardcorePower Radio | https://cc5.beheerstream.com/8022/stream https://panel.beheerstream.com:2199/tunein/hardcorep.pls https://panel.beheerstream.com:2199/tunein/hardcorep.asx https://panel.beheerstream.com:2199/tunein/hardcorep.ram |
www fb |
24 apr. - 1 mei | Ebm,Industrial und Gothic u.v.m. reinhören und abgehen | |
Darklupu | https://darklupu.stream.laut.fm/darklupu | www |
1-8 mei | Le son la Réunion | |
Azot Radio (Le Tampon, Réunion) | https://azotradio1.ice.infomaniak.ch/azotradio1-128.mp3 http://azotradio1.ice.infomaniak.ch/azotradio1-128.mp3 |
www fb |
8-15 mei | Mandingobeat (West-Afrika) | |
Africa radio - Mandingue | https://african1paris.ice.infomaniak.ch/african1paris-128.mp3 | www |
15-22 mei | Home Of The Blujazoul - The Timeles Sound of Black Music | |
Purple Rose Radio (USA) | https://listen.radioking.com/radio/221641/stream/266095 | www fb |
22-29 mei | Brazilian Music, French Music & International Hits from the 80s and 90s | |
Radio Onda Shortwave (Borculo) | https://stream.rcast.net/64747 https://players.rcast.net/stream/64747.mp3 |
www |
29 mei - 5 juni | 100% Diversité | |
DivRadio (Verviers) | https://listen.radioking.com/radio/256192/stream/300799#.mp3 | www |
5-12 juni | Das irre Webradio | |
Crazy Poisons Radio (Differdange) | http://server4.streamserver24.com:26607 http://server4.streamserver24.com:26607/stream/1/ |
www |
12-19 juni | Start op 12 juni - A new radio station for Northampton that you control | |
Revolution Radio (Northampton) | https://revolution.radioca.st/stream.mp3 http://sirius.shoutca.st:8032/stream https://revolution.radioca.st:2199/tunein/revolution.pls https://revolution.radioca.st:2199/tunein/revolution.asx https://revolution.radioca.st:2199/tunein/revolution.ram https://revolution.radioca.st:2199/tunein/revolution.qtl |
www |
19-26 juni | All J-Pop - Japan Hits | |
Japan Hits | https://igor.torontocast.com:1025/; https://asiadreamradio.torontocast.stream/stations/ewExternalFiles/JapanHits1.pls |
www www |
26 juni - 3 juli | A Mix of Dance Hits and Dance Classics | |
Pro FM Dance Webradio (Waddinxveen) | https://player.profm.nl/proxy/profm?mp=/stream https://player.streamforce.nl:8302/stream http://stream.pro-fm.net:8200/listen.pls http://pro-fm.net/streams/profm.asx http://pro-fm.net/streams/profm.qtl http://pro-fm.net/streams/profm.ram |
www www |
3-10 juli | Van Pop, Rock, Dance Music tot hedendaagse Vlaamse hits | |
RadioZila | https://hazel.torontocast.com:3065/stream | www |
10-17 juli | Deutschlands erstes nationales Frauenradio | |
Femotion Radio | https://frontend.streamonkey.net/femotion-radio/stream/mp3 https://edge06.streamonkey.net/femotion-radio |
www |
17-24 juli | Am Puls des Sports | |
Sportradio Deutschland - SRD (Leipzig) | https://edge01.streamonkey.net/sportradio-deutschland | www |
24-31 juli | We Feel Music | |
WFM (Westerlo, Herentals) | https://mcp-2.mm-stream.nl:8126/WFM#.mp3 https://mcp-2.mm-stream.nl:8126/WFM |
www |
31 juli - 7 aug. | Hits van alle tijden | |
Radio Babylona (Musselkanaal AM 1008 khz) | https://caster05.streampakket.com/proxy/8219/stream https://caster05.streampakket.com:2199/tunein/marcel24.pls https://caster05.streampakket.com:2199/tunein/marcel24.ram https://caster05.streampakket.com:2199/tunein/marcel24.qtl https://caster05.streampakket.com:2199/tunein/marcel24.asx |
www |
7-14 aug. | Nieuw bij qmusic.be: Nederlandstalig | |
— Q-Nederlandstalig | https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/QNEDERLANDSTALIG.mp3 https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/QNEDERLANDSTALIGAAC.aac |
www |
14-21 aug. | Regionale radio met een ruim muziekaanbod | |
Radio Oost West (Wingene, Tielt, Wielsbeke) | https://icecast.movemedia.be/oostwest http://streams.movemedia.eu:8550 |
www |
21-28 aug. | Altijd Walcheren Altijd Hits | |
WFM | https://rbx2.hnux.com/ | www |
28 aug. - 4 sept. | Pure Bach | |
Klassik Radio - Johann Sebastian Bach (Hamburg) | https://klassikr.streamabc.net/klr-purebach-mp3-192-6431132 | www |
4-11 sept. | Klassik Rock | |
Klassik Radio - Klassik Rock (Hamburg) | https://klassikr.streamabc.net/klr-klassikrock-mp3-192-6623778 | www |
11-18 sept. | Musical Hits | |
Klassik Radio - Musical Hits (Hamburg) | https://klassikr.streamabc.net/klr-musical-mp3-192-3752723 | www |
18-25 sept. | Live. Laut. Lässig. | |
DASDING | https://liveradio.swr.de/sw331ch/dasding/ | www |
25 sept - 2 okt | Radio with a attitude | |
Jinx Radio (Hilversum) | https://streaming.jinxradio.nl/site | www |
2-9 okt. | Die Popwelle des Südwestrundfunks | |
SWR3 | https://liveradio.swr.de/sw331ch/swr3/ | www |
9-16 okt. | Musik und Lifestyle | |
Bremen Next | https://rb-bremennext-live.cast.addradio.de/rb/bremennext/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 http://rb-bremennext-live.cast.addradio.de/rb/bremennext/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 http://dl-ondemand.radiobremen.de/bremen_next.m3u |
www |
16-23 okt. | Classic 21, écoutez l'original | |
Classic 21 (RTBF) | https://radios.rtbf.be/classic21-128.mp3 https://radios.rtbf.be/classic21-64.aac |
www |
23-30 okt. | Music and More | |
MNM R&Beats | https://live-radio-cf-vrt.akamaized.net/groupa/live/da0b681c-73db-4c9e-af32-7921591d3fbd/live.isml/live-audio=128000.m3u8 https://icecast.vrtcdn.be/mnm_urb-high.mp3 |
www |
30 okt - 6 nov | Metropolys: Les années 2000 | |
Metropolys 2000 | https://listen.radioking.com/radio/1202/stream/83 | www |
6-13 nov. | Neue Trends bei MDR JUMP | |
MDR JUMP Trendchannel | https://mdr-edge-105c-dus-dtag-cdn.cast.addradio.de/mdr/jump/trend/mp3/128/stream.mp3 http://mdr-284321-0.cast.mdr.de/mdr/284321/0/mp3/high/stream.mp3 http://avw.mdr.de/streams/284321-0_mp3_high.m3u http://mdr-284321-0.cast.mdr.de/mdr/284321/0/mp3/low/stream.mp3 http://avw.mdr.de/streams/284321-0_mp3_low.m3u http://mdr-284321-0.cast.mdr.de/mdr/284321/0/aac/high/stream.aac http://avw.mdr.de/streams/284321-0_aac_high.m3u |
www |
13-20 nov. | The Number One Station | |
Thuisradio-FM | https://stream.hostinggold.eu:1145/stream http://stream.hostinggold.eu:1140/stream |
www www |
20-27 nov. | Fuckin Good Music | |
Radio FG Vlaanderen | https://stream.rcs.revma.com/5wesqhfap98uv | www www |
27 nov. - 4 dec. | Feel Good | |
Radio Contact Ostbelgien Now | https://s1.dh-media.net:17000/stream/1/ https://s1.dh-media.net:17000/stream/2/ |
www |
4-11 dec. | Your Generation Your Music | |
40ROCK Radio | https://40rockstream.live-streams.nl/live | www |
11-18 dec. | Brussel | |
BRUZZ | https://ice.cr6.streamzilla.xlcdn.com:8000/sz=fmbrussel=fmb988.mp3 https://ice.cr5.streamzilla.xlcdn.com:8000/sz=fmbrussel=fmb988.mp3 |
www |
18-25 dec. | Hits Till It Hurts! | |
Trax | https://traxradio.radioca.st/stream | www |
*25-26 dec. | Bethlehem | |
Radio Alhara (Bethlehem, Palestina) | http://n08.radiojar.com/78cxy6wkxtzuv | www fb |
25-26 dec. | Le sapin, les guirlandes, la bûche et pour la musique ... Bel RTL Noël | |
Bel RTL Noël | https://deci-belrtl.ice.infomaniak.ch/deci-belrtl-192.mp3 | www |
26 dec. - 1 jan. | Alleen de mooiste muziek stroomt uit je speakers | |
Rivierenland Radio | https://server-26.stream-server.nl:8400/stream https://rivierenlandradio.stream-server.nl:2000/tunein/Rivierenland-radio/stream/pls https://rivierenlandradio.stream-server.nl:2000/tunein/Rivierenland-radio/stream/asx https://rivierenlandradio.stream-server.nl:2000/tunein/Rivierenland-radio/stream/ram http://rivierenlandradio.stream-server.nl/stream |
www |
2020 | Radiostreams van de week | |
2019 | Radiostreams van de week | |
2018 | Radiostreams van de week | |
2017 | Radiostreams van de week | |
Radiostations, streams en webadressen
Laatste wijziging: 11.09.2022 |